travelling trought Central Europian and Balkan countries
Project freely retraces the journey of St. Constatntin (Ciril) and St. Methodus, who created the first script for old Slavonic alphabet – the glagolic (cyrilic).
Travelling through central European and Balkan countires and interacting with local communities in a string of local site-specific events, project was drawn together the comlex story of slavonik script heritage and look for the deeper roots of local identity as related to the script, symbols and icons in the present time.
COPY ME! Is a work that emerged from manualy copying and re-copying glagolic alphabet. On the big roll of paper, during the trip ,local participants were copying glagolic alphabet from the previous participant. Through time occurred big changes compared to the first version since every mistake was copied and complemented with new ones. More than 150 people all ower Balkans participated in the project.
production: MAMAPAPA
project support: ECF