video project
Berlin / Prague / Belgrade / Istanbul / Bergama 2009/15
There used to be an sanctuary on a hill in a ancient town of Pergamon in the Turkish city of Bergama, which has become history and has moved into a museum space in German city of Berlin.
Before the sanctuary and before the museum there was a tree on the hill. The tree is still there. This story tells about a history of human desires, it tells about our need to grasp the gods.
What was once a sanctuary is today’s´ museum; what once was a museum is today’s virtual reality.
This art project will bring a real sunset into the inside of an architectural space. It will create a monument that is monumental but not there. It will let people be somewhere else an hour before it happened – all of it for the duration of a sunset.
Text: Sodja Lotker-Zupanc, Artistic Director of the Prague Quadrennial
producer and co-author: Aleksandar Brkić