Site specific tour, Prague 2011
This is a site specific art project dedicated to an abandoned restaurant in an important 1930s functionalist style building in Prague (architect Max Urban).The goal of the project was to revive the old glory of Barrandov's film studio, and its restaurant which was the gathering place of film stars and directors between the two World Wars.
Since the building is private property now, abandoned, there is a risk of irreversible structural damage and even
of its complete deterioration.
This project was started to draw attention to possibility of permanent loss of this cultural and architectural heritage.
A fictitious travel agency named "Last minutes" was made as part of the project.
Its office was situated at the international theatre festival "Four Days in Motion". During the festival the visitors
were taken on a bus tour to this abandoned area. The Tour was guided by two performers, touristic.
Project offered an unconventional combination of live performance with audiovisual installation on authentic site.
Authors of the project: Iva Němcová, Lucia Škandiková, Dragan Stojčevski